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Company information

Company Name: Beveridge Locksmiths Limited

Company Number: 1699385

Incorporated: 21 September, 2005


Registered Office:C/O Crowe Horwarth (NZ) Limited, Level 1, 57 Willis Street, WELLINGTON 6011

Postal Address: PO Box 38-441, Wellington Mail Center 5045

Central Office:131 Queens Drive, Lower Hutt 5010. Phone 04-566-1111, Fax 04-566-1167


Directors: Alan M Le Breton and Bryan J Jackson (Chairman)

Environment, Health and Safety (EH&S) Policy

Everyone who works for Beveridge Locksmiths is responsible for protecting the environment and the health and safety of our people, customers and communities.   Our commitment to environmental, health and safety (EH&S) performance is an integral part of our business, and achieving cost-effective EH&S solutions is essential to our long-term success. Our EH&S objective is not to harm the environment or any person. 

Beveridge Locksmiths hold ACC’s Workplace Safety Management Practices (WSMP) “Tertiary” accreditation valid until February 2019.  Download a copy of Beveridge’s ACC WSMP “Tertiary” certificate

At Beveridge Locksmiths, we are committed to:

  • leading EH&S management and activity from the GM/owner down
  • eliminating accidents and environmental incidents
  • reducing emissions and waste
  • using energy and other natural resources efficiently
  • being prepared to respond to emergencies
  • evaluating our products and educating our employees, customers and the public on their safe and environmentally responsible use
  • helping our employees, sub-contractors, business partners, vendors and service providers understand how their actions influence EH&S performance
  • communicating with our neighbours and others about our EH&S programmes and performance
  • continuously improving our EH&S performance through effective management systems
  • recognising outstanding EH&S performance

These commitments are in addition to our basic obligation to comply with all environmental, health and safety laws and regulations. Download a PDF of our EH&S Score card

Business Ethics Statement

Underpinning any loss management programme is a company’s value regarding business ethics.

Beveridge Locksmiths and its employees will:

  • behave in an honest and ethical manner
  • abide by all national and local laws and regulations
  • treat employees with respect and welcome diversity
  • not accept conflicts of interest
  • use generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP) 
  • provide a safe working environment for its employees
  • respect the business and assets of its customers

Breaches of business ethics will be reported to the General Manager for appropriate action. 
Download our current Ministry of Justice Private Security Personnel Licensing Authority Company Licence 


Alan M Le Breton
Managing Director